The Sarvar Spa Ltd. operates the following units: Spa- and Wellness Centre, the four star VitalMed Hotel in the building of the Spa, the Thermal Camping and the neighbouring Adventure park.
Thermal water was found at the beginning of the 1960s and for its utilization the first spa of the town was opened in 1968. It was founded by the municipality of Sárvár and operated under the name of Town Spa and Camping.
Since the 1st of July 2000 it is operating under the name of Sárvár Thermal Spa Ltd. as an economic corporation and the local municipality has a 100% ownership in the spa. It had a starting capital of 878 million HUF, which now exceeds 3.084 billion HUF.
The general director of the spa is Zoltán Kántás.
The operations of the Ltd. are controlled by a five member Supervision Board.
The members are:
- Dr. Dénes Tibor – president
- Máhr Tivadar
- Szabó Lajos
- Derdékné Rózsa Hajnalka
- Koszti Péter
- Moór Adrián
The Sárvár Thermal Spa Ltd. has been operating the Thermal and Wellness Spa, the four star VitalMed Hotel with 26 rooms and the Thermal Camping**** with 90 parking places, being all inaugurated in the year 2002 as a result of a large-scale green field investment. Moreover the spa is also the operator of the nearby Adventure Park.
The main activities of the company include:
- Services improving the physical condition of our guests (spa services, providing wellness treatments, fitness services)
- medical services (providing medical treatments)
- hotel services
- camping services
- renting
The returns of the company in 2016 exceeded 2,037 billion HUF and The Medical and Wellness Spa had 768.231 visitors in the same year.
The average number of employees at the Sárvár Medical Spa Ltd. amounted to 149 persons in 2016.
The Spa has received several awards, acknowledging the high quality of work. Among these was the “Award of High Standard” of the Hungarian Wellness Association in the category of Wellness Center in 2004 and in the category of Wellness Medicina in 2005.
The Royal Spas of Europe has selected the Sárvár Spa to be its member in 2004.
In April 2007, the Spa was given the EuropeSpa-med Quality Award, which is a certificate of quality that is issued by the European Spa Association if certain predetermined criteria are met. The institution - that gained this certificate - had fulfilled the norms of cure infrastructure quality, hygiene and guest safety. Our Spa has gained the sixth best position in Europe and we are the first Hungarian spa to take pride in this award.
The Assessment Commission of the Hungarian Spa Association has ranked the Sárvár Spa in the highest - four star - category in 2008.
In August 2009 the company has fulfilled the requirements of the ISO 9001:2008, ISO 14001:2004 and MEES quality control systems and since then the spa has been working along the lines of these requirements.